James is a clinical hypnotherapist with a degree in psychology along with many certifications . The resources presented here can be used to help you relax, gain perspective and even help you through some of these more challenging times.
Be sure to follow the instructions stated in the audio tracks to achieve the best results. Some tracks should listened to only when you can safely close your eyes. Others, including many of the podcasts, can be listened to anytime. For any questions regarding the tracks or personal therapy (there are many therapy programs offered by James to help with confidence, anxiety, and stress) please connect with James here.
Podcasts links follow below. To listen to the mp3 versions (without the podbean app) just click the links below. Weekly podcasts and bonus tracks come out every week. Like my FB page Out of the Box Podcast for updates and insights on how you can break free of the BOX you may be stuck in.
Anxiety Management Tools

Saving A Life With Thoughts And Energy

An Open Mind, Respect And Sense Of Community
Brigdet Mearns is running for Mayor in Lethbridge Alberta on October 18, 2021. This interview becomes a very telling story of her experiences and her as a person.
Work Before Family And The Fallout
Age often provides you with opportunity to look back and see what you missed out on. It also provides you with the insights to make change happend.
Compassion And Connection
Being able to sit down and chat with someone and get a great sense of what they stand for and how they are working to help build a stronger community is a great honor. Thank you Jenn sharing and caring.
The Cliff
A Success Story
A gift of inspiration for the new year
Sex, A Single Woman And An Adult Store Dec 16, 2020
Sex, A Single Woman, And An Adult Store Dec 16, 2020
If Your Actions Do Not Produce A Positive Result Then You Must Change Your Actions Dec 9, 2020
Gratitude – Let’s Make A Difference Dec 2, 2020
Better Sleep And Self Acceptance (Bonus track. Ideal for better sleep and a greater self regard)
Finding That Silver Lining Nov 25, 2020
Quick relaxation technique (Bonus track. Ideal for eyes closed relaxation)
You know so much more than you think you do Nov 18, 2020
Out of the Box – A Beginning